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Chasing our Trunks

The Whitton Family Around the World



"The Elephant's Child", by Rudyard Kipling, is an uplifting tale of insatiable curiosity and daring spirit. The young elephant child is driven to ask question after question about the world around him. Undeterred by the mockery and reprimands of those who tell him how he should live, and after an inspiring word from his Great Aunt, the Kolo Kolo bird,  the Elephant's Child embarks on an incredible journey across Africa with an excuse: He is going to discover what crocodiles eat for dinner.


Along the way, he encounters majestic, exotic landscapes and fascinating new animals. It's not an easy journey, but if the point was "easy" he would have stayed home. Eventually, he achieves his mission - and after a life-changing experience with the Crocodile that elongates his nose into a useful, versatile trunk, the Elephant's Child returns home wiser, more resourceful, and more connected to the world than ever before.

And just like the Elephant's Child, for the Whitton Family, any excuse will do, and until we find it, we'll keep Chasing our Trunks.

Welcome to our online home, where we share photos, videos, and stories of our adventures with you.


We don't post often, but below is a selection of our Instagram feed. If you'd like to connect with us, feel free to follow our account.

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None of us are professional photographers, but we've been lucky to snap a shutter on some wonderful memories. Enjoy the gallery and stay tuned for more!


When the mood strikes, we sometimes edit our adventures into film. Below is a selection of the videos we've published. We'll never claim to be expert videographers - we make them when we feel like it as a hobby. But like all hobbies, we are getting better at making them each time, and are excited for when the mood strikes us next!

Chasing our Trunks - Alaska
Chasing our Trunks - Alaska
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Chasing our Trunks - Alaska

Chasing our Trunks: Icefields Parkway
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Chasing our Trunks: Icefields Parkway

Chasing Our Trunks: NWT Thanksgiving
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Chasing Our Trunks: NWT Thanksgiving

Meet the Whittons

A Picture of Craig standing in front of the Amazon River

Craig Whitton

ODOMETER:1,345,000 kms

Hi, I'm Craig Whitton. When I'm not engaged in the adventures you see on this page (and candidly, sometimes when I am!), I am the founder and President of Authentik Consulting and Training and am approaching two decades as a Higher Education professional.  What really gets me going is the chance to genuinely connect with people. I believe all of us, if we are lucky, will get 80 years on this planet, and the most important thing a person can do is spend that limited time on purpose and make the most of it. What a shame it is for anyone to reach the end of their particular path, and look back on their life and say "I wish I had done things differently". So far, I'm incredibly lucky that I don't feel that way - and I hope to keep this up for the other half of my life which lies before me.  Professionally, I'm fairly well known for bringing Restorative Justice practices to life for teams and institutions, for being quick with an analogy or story that helps folks connect disparate dots (or at the very least, provides an entertaining moment!), for my principled and values-based approach to leadership that I tend to stick to, especially when it's hard (because those are usually the times when doing that matters most), or for my unique approach to training and presentations, many of which have been recognized by awards from various professional organizations. I have always been uncomfortable with those awards, but in recent years I realize I got them because I have a talent for storytelling and engaging people in complex topics, and that talent helps people. So, as I approach 40 years on earth (Halfway done!)  I'm leaning into it and owning that this is something I'm really lucky to be good at. I'm an adventurer at heart. From growing up in Northern Ontario to having traveled from the Arctic Ocean to the Amazon Rainforest, and all around the world to most places in between, these aren't just vacations, and the trips are rarely relaxing. But they are experiences that have given me a deep appreciation for our shared world, and an outlook that gives me the privilege to live my life intentionally. I hope through my presence online and my digital shadow, I can inspire others to do the same. The best thing I do is being a dad, and I'm a firm believer that as a species, we ought to be working together to create healthy communities where humans can be their best selves, regardless of who they love, what their heritage is, or where they call home. I try to live this way, because I know my son is going to be following my example, and so I had better make it a good one. So that's me—always learning, constantly evolving, and eternally curious about the untapped potentials this world has to offer. Let's connect, and if you see me with my adventure hat snugged down on my brow in the far-flung places of this pale blue dot we call home - make sure you say hello. I'd love to connect.

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A Picture of Teryn standing in front of her Truck smiling

Teryn Whitton

ODOMETER:565,000 kms

Hey there, I'm Teryn. I wear many hats—Registered Veterinary Technician, College instructor, Certified Individual and Group Fitness trainer, consultant, and most importantly, Mom and adventurer! I’ve been lucky to spend over 15 years in animal healthcare, and I've seen it all—from emergency situations to helping rural clients with their livestock, to coordinating blood drives for our furry friends in cities and travelling to remote parts of Canada for Spay and Neuter clinics. I know from my lived experience the impact that animals can have on our wellbeing, and so my love for animal health aligns pretty perfectly with my love of health and fitness, because it’s all centred around the wellbeing of the people I get to spend my time with. But my days aren't just filled with furry patients and sweat sessions. My wanderlust has taken me on adventures that stretch from the frost-heaved washboard roads that snake through the Arctic to the sprawling landscapes of South Africa, to Europe, and most of Canada. Every trip is a shot of inspiration for me, reminding me that life's too short to stand still (not that anyone would ever accuse me of that…) and I'm all about sharing my energy with others. This is the example I want to set for our son K., and I try every day to be the best mom I can be! Professionally, you might know me for my educational contributions at NAIT, where I taught aspiring vet techs and managed the Blood Bank. Or perhaps you've heard about Authentik Consulting and Training, which I co-run with Craig. At Authentik, I funnel all my know-how and experiences to support our learners in our Online Academy, and I play a key role in our customized solutions, from Choose Your Own Adventure novels to teach people about conflict, to tabletop training exercises that rely on a Dungeons and Dragons-style of mechanic to make the training relevant, real, engaging, and fun. Beyond that, I'm a born connector, always finding common ground with people from all walks of life. My friends often say that I bring a certain spark into a room, a combination of kindness and energy that's contagious. I have that “6 AM Disco Party” energy - not just when I’m leading an early morning spin class where that’s literally what’s happening, but throughout my day too. Sharing my special kind of vibrance is truly fulfilling for me. At my core, though, I'm a fierce believer in kindness—to all living beings. It's a value that drives everything I do, from caring for my loved ones (which is pretty much anything with fur) to engaging in our next epic adventure. If you see me out and about, say hi! I’m all about making new friends and connecting hearts, human or otherwise. That’s me —forever curious, relentlessly positive, and always open to the next great adventure life has in store. Let's make some memories - because any excuse will do.

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Hire Us.

Inspirational Keynotes. Restorative Justice-based Conflict Leadership training. Custom D&D-style tabletop training for your teams. We use our unique perspective to help you be successful, because we believe that your success is our success. Contact us at our business, Authentik Consulting and Training Inc. to see how we might best work together.

Meet the rest of the Whittons

A Picture of K smiling and bundled in a snow suit next to a mountain lake

K. Whitton

Odometer: 14,750 kms

K. can't read or write yet, but once he can, he'll put his bio here!

A picture of Mac the Adventure Cat near a log picnic table


Odometer: 7800 kms

Our trusty adventure cat - he doesn't always come with us, but he seems to love it when he does!

An Adventure Motorcycle parked near a picturesque valley


Odometer: 145,334 kms

From the Arctic Ocean to the border of Mexico, Hobbes has taken Craig all kinds of places. Hobbes is a 2011 Triumph Tiger 800 XC, Craig's first and only motorbike. He features off road suspension - no trail goes unexplored! - and yet still has enough power to cruise all day down the highway. He has custom luggage mounts made from hockey pucks, a top-box fabricated from scrap aluminum and a Princess Auto toolbox, and a home-made windscreen that takes advantage of the same airflow as a plane's wing to ensure the rider can sit comfortably and quietly in the seat for hours. Craig likes to joke that he's got Triumph tastes but with a KLR budget, but thanks to Craig's extensive Moto-touring experience, he's customized Hobbes into being the perfect adventure touring machine for him. Hobbes has been rode hard and often put away wet, but he's never let us down, a testament to the design, construction, and Craig's near-fastidious maintenance.

A picture of Beacon the Dog standing on the Centre Console


Odometer: 75,700 kms

Our faithful pup Beacon is our bear alarm, wake up call, foot warmer, occasional pillow, constant shedder, and Teryn's shadow.

A picture of a GMC Canyone with a roof top tent, and an awning with a room, overlooking a mountain lake,

Pachyderm (Pac)

Odometer: 87,980 kms

Pac is our trusty 2017 GMC Canyon. He is custom equipped with features like a ultralight canopy with positive pressure system, a roof tent, awning, and zip-in "living room, a full-length drawer unit, running water for drinking and showering, an electrical system for up to 2,000 watts of devices and chargers so we can work on the road, a custom seat delete/dog box conversion, a combination fridge & freezer, and an ARB Bumper on the front end for animal protection in remote areas, and some grippy racing stripes made of 3M non-slip ladder tape to help Beacon get up to bed at night. The entire vehicle was custom-built by Craig and Teryn over several months, and is equipped so that as long as they have Groceris and Gas, Pac can be a full-time home.

Former Adventure Companions

Gone, but never forgotten, we're grateful for the memories. It's never goodbye - it's "See you Later".

A German Shepherd named Addi looking out the window of a Jeep at the passing terrain



A 3-legged cat named Crash standing on the Centre Console of a truck



A Jeep Wrangler JK with a roof tent, an awning, some spare fuel cans, covered in mud with "Prudhoe Bay or Bust" written on the window.


2013 - 2018

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